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    Mr.Chu(Apink cover) by ChuA

    2014.07.30 8,461

    Hey, CDF!

    We are ChuA, a group of 6 teenage girls who just looovee Kpop.
    It's our first time ever auditioning for such a big program,
    so hopefully we'll get lots of support!

    (scroll down for meaning of the group's name and much more fun stuff!)

    Please check us out on:

    ※I suggest you stay on this page because the rest of this post will make more sense to you!※

    Also, please vote for us if you are logged in, or you have an account!


    The meaning behind ChuA:

    We used to have a member who was born in the year of 1998
    so yay! throw back Thursday!

    Charina was born in the year of 1996, and the rest of us in the year of 1997. So if you put it in order, it's 1996,1997,1998(6.7.8). 678 is apparently the number of Angels!
    And since the first cover we've done was mr.Chu, we decided our groups' name should be ChuA, meaning Angel's Kisses(which is also symbolizing luck=meaning that we are good luck charms, and luck follows us).

    ChuA 뜻:

    저희 중에서 제일 연새가(응?) 많으신(어르신) 멤버가 96년생 이고, 나머지는 97년생이에요(탈퇴한 멤버가 98년생). 순서대로 대면 1996.1997.1998 인데요(6.7.8), 조사를 해봤는데 678은 천사의 숫자라고 하더라구요. 저희가 처음으로 커버한 곡이 Mr.Chu니까 거기에서 Chu를 따서 ChuA라고, 천사의 입맛춤이라는 뜻으로 그룹 이름을 짓게 되었어요(오 to the 글ㄷㄷㄷㄷ). 천사의 입맛춤은 또 행운을 의미하는데요, 저희에게 행운이 있기를, 그리고 어떻게 보면 저희가 행운을 부르는 사람들이라는 뜻을 주기도 해요. 허허 설명하는데 왜 나의 손이 오그라드는지 설명좀 해보게나 닝겐.




    Charina is the oldest,(aka ajumma) and the prettiest member of the group! She is super kind and caring(very motherly, i would say. COUGH AJUMMA COUGH) Our filming day was Michelle's Birthday(our maknae), and Charina made her a birthday cake and a giant card for everyone to sign for her!(the cake had Luhan's face efdoaorigoigjwoifhgdds) Though she had a very busy life, she still took time and spent her time with us, the dongsaengs that always bullied her♥(not literally bully we just made fun of her fangirling Lee Jongsuk that's all LOLOL)


    Yuri is the head dancer of her school's Kpop Dance Crew! She might seem(no.) really quiet or even cold(nope. not at all), but once you get to know her she's the craziest person you'll ever meet. She's funny in a very 4D way, but can be normal sometimes(nahh.) We always made fun of her because she has the same name as SNSD's Yuri, telling her to cover snsd songs(why not eh). She is a very lovable person, and totally fun to be with :)


    Zyra was the latest to join our group! The original member who was Hayoung had to quit due to a little private issue. Although Zyra was very late to join, and had only about 3 days to memorize the whole song, she positively took this situation and tried her best and we all appreciate it! She is also in another group(come back home) so if you want to watch her and her other group's cover, scroll down for the links!


    Erika was one of the members that lived the farthest from all of the other members, but she still went all the way to the practice location for the other members(very emotional moment right now typing this *sobs*) She was pushed by Hanna to do the sassy hair flip (Hanna loved the hair flip a LOT like she even threatened Erika to do the hair flip) Since the first day of practice, she was called the sass queen because of her limitless sassy, irresistable(what) hair flips. YOU GO GIRL WOOHOO♥ (she was also called Kris's wife)


    Hanna first came up with the idea to put this group together and to entre this contest. She has an obsession with food. She ate all of Michelle's chocolate flavored cereals, her own dinner(twice), Erika's chicken, Michelle's Hamburgers all within 2 hours. Even after that she still said she was hungry. Lets all take a moment and pray that the over hunger in her stomache all disappears anytime soon...AMEN.


    Our maknae Michelle had to spend her Birthday 2hours waiting for the rest of the members, thinking that Hanna and Charina were fighting behind the walls, but ended up realizing it was a birthday surprise, and had to film Mr.Chu for 4 hours, in a terrible pair of shoes that injured also Hanna and Zyra. She was also one of the members that lived very far away and had lots of work to do, but she still took her time and came to all the practices and spent her precious birthday filming for this contest. We all appreciate it, Mich!


    Zyra's come back home link:http://www.coverdance.org/contest/round1/2752?page=1&area=NA&nationality=&sort=2

    Please go check our video(not↑), and our youtube channel!

    Thank you so much for reading!

    If you live in Vancouver and you want to join us for the Kpop at Night Market, please email chanlakkuma@gmail.com!

    Thank you and hopefullyyyy we'll get a lot of supports!

    페이스북 트윗
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